Results for 'Dale Allen Johnston'

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  1.  28
    Serial arguments in organizations.Dale Hample & Susan Allen - 2012 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 1 (3):312-330.
    This research project substantially extends the reach of serial argument theory from its nearly exclusive application to close relationships, into the workplace. Data were gathered on general motivation to engage in a serial argument, specific goals, several tactics, and three outcome measures. Results indicated causal relations from goals and motivations to tactics, and from tactics to outcomes. A structural equation model was successful in fitting the whole system of variables. Results were generally compatible with those found in relational and classroom (...)
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  2. Rhetoric and Biblical Interpretation.Dale Patrick & Allen Scult - 1990
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  3. Situated Black Women's Voices in/on the Profession of Philosophy.Anita Allen, Anika Maaza Mann, Donna-Dale L. Marcano, Michele Moody-Adams & Jacqueline Scott - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):160-189.
  4.  17
    Comemos combustibles fósiles.Dale Allen Pfeiffer - 2006 - Polis 14.
    Las tasas de producción y consumo de alimentos en el mundo se hacen insostenibles. Estados Unidos está a la cabeza de los países que exceden con creces su capacidad en esta materia. La causa principal es la incorporación de combustibles fósiles en la producción de alimentos desde 1950, tanto en forma de energía cinética, como también en los pesticidas y otros productos utilizados en su producción. Según el autor, literalmente nos estamos comiendo los hidrocarburos rápidamente y sin tener ninguna alternativa (...)
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    “Meanings, Communication, and Politics: Dewey and Derrida” in John Dewey and Continental Philosophy, ed. Paul Fairfield, 219-213.Paul Fairfield, James Scott Johnston, Tom Rockmore, James A. Good, Jim Garrison, Barry Allen, Joseph Margolis, Sandra B. Rosenthal, Richard J. Bernstein, David Vessey, C. G. Prado, Colin Koopman, Antonio Calcagno & Inna Semetsky (eds.) - 2010 - Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.
    _John Dewey and Continental Philosophy_ provides a rich sampling of exchanges that could have taken place long ago between the traditions of American pragmatism and continental philosophy had the lines of communication been more open between Dewey and his European contemporaries. Since they were not, Paul Fairfield and thirteen of his colleagues seek to remedy the situation by bringing the philosophy of Dewey into conversation with several currents in continental philosophical thought, from post-Kantian idealism and the work of Friedrich Nietzsche (...)
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    Cephalopods from the stomachs of sperm whales taken off California.Clifford H. Fiscus, Dale W. Rice & Allen A. Wolman - 1987 - Laguna 53:56.
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  7.  45
    Mark Johnston , Saving God: Religion after Idolatry . Reviewed by.Allen Stairs - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (4):285-287.
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    Behavioral economics and monetary wisdom: A cross‐level analysis of monetary aspiration, pay (dis)satisfaction, risk perception, and corruption in 32 nations.Thomas Li-Ping Tang, Zhen Li, Mehmet Ferhat Özbek, Vivien K. G. Lim, Thompson S. H. Teo, Mahfooz A. Ansari, Toto Sutarso, Ilya Garber, Randy Ki-Kwan Chiu, Brigitte Charles-Pauvers, Caroline Urbain, Roberto Luna-Arocas, Jingqiu Chen, Ningyu Tang, Theresa Li-Na Tang, Fernando Arias-Galicia, Consuelo Garcia De La Torre, Peter Vlerick, Adebowale Akande, Abdulqawi Salim Al-Zubaidi, Ali Mahdi Kazem, Mark G. Borg, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, Linzhi Du, Abdul Hamid Safwat Ibrahim, Kilsun Kim, Eva Malovics, Richard T. Mpoyi, Obiajulu Anthony Ugochukwu Nnedum, Elisaveta Gjorgji Sardžoska, Michael W. Allen, Rosário Correia, Chin-Kang Jen, Alice S. Moreira, Johnston E. Osagie, AAhad M. Osman-Gani, Ruja Pholsward, Marko Polic, Petar Skobic, Allen F. Stembridge, Luigina Canova, Anna Maria Manganelli, Adrian H. Pitariu & Francisco José Costa Pereira - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):925-945.
    Corruption involves greed, money, and risky decision-making. We explore the love of money, pay satisfaction, probability of risk, and dishonesty across cultures. Avaricious monetary aspiration breeds unethicality. Prospect theory frames decisions in the gains-losses domain and high-low probability. Pay dissatisfaction (in the losses domain) incites dishonesty in the name of justice at the individual level. The Corruption Perceptions Index, CPI, signals a high-low probability of getting caught for dishonesty at the country level. We theorize that decision-makers adopt avaricious love-of-money aspiration (...)
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    Brain or mind? a review of Allen Newell's Unified Theories of Cognition.Dale Purves - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):371-373.
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    Short notices.A. C. F. Beales, R. F. Dearden, W. B. Inglis, R. R. Dale, Gordon R. Cross, John Hayes, S. Leslie Hunter, Robert J. Hoare, M. F. Cleugh, T. Desmond Morrow, Dorothy A. Wakeford, W. H. Burston, P. H. J. H. Gosden, Evelyn E. Cowie, Kartick C. Mukherjee, J. M. Wilson, H. C. Barnard & David Johnston - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):98-112.
  11.  47
    Spirit in Evolution. By Herbert F. Standing D.Sc. (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1930. Pp. 312. Price 10s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]James Johnstone - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (19):484-.
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    The Spiritual Heritage of India. Prabhavananda Swami with the assistance of Manchester Frederick. (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1962). Pp. 22+374, 35s.). [REVIEW]Dale Riepe - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (146):376-.
  13. Revelation and the Nature of Colour.Keith Allen - 2011 - Dialectica 65 (2):153-176.
    According to naïve realist (or primitivist) theories of colour, colours are sui generis mind-independent properties. The question that I consider in this paper is the relationship of naïve realism to what Mark Johnston calls Revelation, the thesis that the essential nature of colour is fully revealed in a standard visual experience. In the first part of the paper, I argue that if naïve realism is true, then Revelation is false. In the second part of the paper, I defend naïve (...)
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  14.  41
    Dharma Bums: The Beat Generation and the Making of Countercultural Pilgrimage.P. J. Johnston - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:165-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dharma Bums: The Beat Generation and the Making of Countercultural PilgrimageP. J. JohnstonI believe in the sweetness of Jesus And Buddha— I believe, In St. Francis, Avaloki Tesvara, the Saints Of First Century India A D And Scholars Santidevan And Otherwise Santayanan Everywhere.(Kerouac 1959: 15)Preliminary Polemics“PILGRIM, n. A traveler that is taken seriously.”—Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary 2007: 133As Beat commentator Stephen Prothero describes in his article “On the (...)
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    The Enduring Quest: A Search for a Philosophy of Life.Harry Allen Overstreet - 1931 - Norton.
    The author of the classic book Influencing Human Behavior here gives a brilliant overview of both ancient wisdom and contemporary science, in dialogue and cooperation with one another in the search for a new philosophy of life. Read the author recommended by Dale Carnegie in his classic books, now back in print in a brand new edition!
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  16.  31
    The Philosophy of Physic. By Max Planck By W.H. Johnston(London: George Allen &Unwin, Ltd.. 1936. Pp.118. Price 4s. [REVIEW]G. Burniston Brown - 1937 - Philosophy 12 (46):241-.
  17.  43
    The Structure of Thought: A Survey of Natural Philosophy. By Ludwig Fischer. Translated by W. H. Johnston. (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1931. Pp. 366). [REVIEW]T. E. Jessop - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (24):504-.
  18.  41
    Matter and Light: The New Physics. By Louis de Broglie. Translated by W. H. Johnston, B.A. (London: George Allen ' Unwin, Ltd. 1939. Pp. 300. Price 12s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]Herbert Dingle - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (62):210-.
  19.  47
    Ethical Principles in Theory and Practice. By Hans Driesch, Ph.D. Translated by W. H. Johnston, B.A. (London: George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. 1930. Pp. 248. Price 7s. 6d.). [REVIEW]W. Olaf Stapledon - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (20):610-.
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  20.  40
    Man and the Universe. By Hans Driesch. Translated by W. H. Johnston B.A. (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1929. Pp. 170. Price 6s.). [REVIEW]J. H. Woodger - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (17):114-.
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  21.  20
    Time-relations of the Affective Processes.Chas Hughes Johnston - 1909 - Philosophical Review 18:682.
  22. Surviving Death.Mark Johnston - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    Johnston presents an argument for a form of immortality that divests the notion of any supernatural elements. The book is packed with illuminating philosophical reflection on the question of what we are, and what it is for us to persist over time.
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  23.  23
    (1 other version)Fund Watch.Dale Kurschner - 1995 - Business Ethics 9 (5):48-48.
  24.  59
    The Mozi: A Complete Translation.Ian Johnston (ed.) - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    The _Mozi_ is a key philosophical work written by a major social and political thinker of the fifth century B.C.E. It is one of the few texts to survive the Warring States period and is crucial to understanding the origins of Chinese philosophy and two other foundational works, the _Mengzi_ and the _Xunzi_. Ian Johnston provides an English translation of the entire _Mozi_, as well as the first bilingual edition in any European language to be published in the West. (...)
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  25.  21
    Adventures in Transcendental Materialism: Dialogues with Contemporary Thinkers.Adrian Johnston - 2014 - Edinburgh: Speculative Realism.
    Critically engaging with thinkers including Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou, Catherine Malabou, Jean-Claude Milner, Martin Hagglund, William Connolly and Jane Bennett, Johnston formulates a materialist and naturalist account of subjectivity that does full justice to human beings as irreducible to natural matter alone.
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  26.  17
    Control of memory by spreading cortical depression: A case for stimulus control.Allen M. Schneider - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (3):201-215.
  27.  28
    Badiou, Zizek, and Political Transformations: The Cadence of Change.Adrian Johnston - 2009 - Northwestern University Press.
    Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek together have emerged as two of Europe’s most significant living philosophers. In a shared spirit of resistance to global capitalism, both are committed to bringing philosophical reflection to bear upon present-day political circumstances. These thinkers are especially interested in asking what consequences the supposed twentieth-century demise of communism entails for leftist political theory in the early twenty-first century. _ Badiou, Žižek, and Political Transformations_ examines Badiouian and Žižekian depictions of change, particularly as deployed at the (...)
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  28.  61
    Meinong's Theory of Defective Objects.Dale Jacquette - 1982 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 15 (1):1-19.
    Meinong's theory of defective objects in On Emotional Presentation is ambiguous in ways which give rise to a dilemma. It is not clear whether or not defective objects are supposed to be a special kind of intentional object. If they are intentional objects, then a strengthened version of Mally's paradox about self-referential thought can be given which contradicts the intentionality thesis. But if they are not intentional objects, then thoughts with defective objects themselves constitute immediate counter-examples to the intentionality thesis. (...)
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  29.  23
    Hegel, the End of History, and the Future.Eric Michael Dale - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Phenomenology of Spirit (1806) Hegel is often held to have announced the end of history, where 'history' is to be understood as the long pursuit of ends towards which humanity had always been striving. In this, the first book in English to thoroughly critique this entrenched view, Eric Michael Dale argues that it is a misinterpretation. Dale offers a reading of his own, showing how it sits within the larger schema of Hegel's thought and makes room for (...)
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  30.  76
    Nature, Aesthetics, and Environmentalism: From Beauty to Duty.Allen Carlson & Sheila Lintott (eds.) - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Environmental aesthetics is an emerging field of study that focuses on nature's aesthetic value as well as on its ethical and environmental implications. Drawing on the research of a number of disciplines, this exciting new area speaks to scholars working in a range of fields, including not only philosophy, but also environmental and cultural studies, public policy and planning, social and political theory, landscape design and management, and art and architecture. _Nature, Aesthetics, and Environmentalism: From Beauty to Duty_ addresses the (...)
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  31.  72
    Mill’s act-utilitarian interpreters on Utilitarianism chapter V paragraph 14.Dale E. Miller - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (5):674-693.
    In the fourteenth paragraph of the fifth chapter of Utilitarianism, J. S. Mill writes that ‘We do not call anything wrong, unless we mean to imply that a person ought to be punished in some way or other for doing it; if not by law, by the opinion of his fellow-creatures; if not by opinion, by the reproaches of his own conscience.’ I criticize the attempts of three commentators who have recently presented act-utilitarian readings of Mill – Roger Crisp, David (...)
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  32. Editor's Page: Philosophical Voices.Dale Jacquette - 2002 - American Philosophical Quarterly 39 (3):213-214.
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  33.  37
    How Things Persist.Dale Jacquette - 2002 - International Philosophical Quarterly 42 (4):551-554.
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  34.  85
    Lloyd on intrinsic natural representation in simple mechanical minds.Dale Jacquette - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6 (1):47-60.
    In Simple Minds, Dan Lloyd presents a reductive account of naturally representing machines. The theory entails that a system represents an event by virtue of potentially misrepresenting it whenever the machine satisfies a multiple information channel, convergence, and uptake condition. I argue that Lloyd's conditions are insufficient for systems intrinsically naturally to misrepresent, and hence insufficient for them intrinsically naturally to represent. The appearance of potential misrepresentation in such machines is achieved only by reference to the extrinsic design or extrinsic (...)
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    Probability, Practical Reasoning, & Conditional Statements of Intent.Dale Jacquette - 2003 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 11 (1):101-113.
    To qualify the truth of a proposition probabilistically is to place it within the scope of a special type of alethic modality. We expect that, as in other modal contexts, the merely probabilistic truth of an assumption in a valid inference must carry over to whatever conclusions are derived from the assumption. That expectation, however, is not always fulfilled in ordinary reasoning about conditional probabilities. There are simpler ways of illustrating what I shall call the paradoxes of conditional probabilistic reasoning (...)
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  36.  28
    Some monkey devours every raisin.Dale Jacquette - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (2):201-209.
    An elementary exercise in symbolizing an existential to universal relation reveals expressive limitations in standard first-order predicate-quantificational logic. Alternative translations of a sample some-every sentence are considered and rejected after criticism, leaving as the best choice a particular structure that demonstrably does not serve for all predicates available to the ordinary language to which the sample sentence belongs. We explain the difficulties encountered in trying to arrive at an adequate translation of the sentence in classical logic, as background to examining (...)
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  37.  43
    Supervenience of Qualia and Intentionality.Dale Jacquette - 2006 - Philo 9 (2):145-164.
  38.  47
    The impact of policy and practice on research.J. G. Morris & F. Hope Johnston - 1981 - British Journal of Educational Studies 29 (3):209-217.
  39.  31
    Understanding the learning of values using a domains-of-socialization framework.Julia Vinik, Megan Johnston, Joan E. Grusec & Renee Farrell - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (4):475-493.
    The narratives that emerging adults wrote about a time when they learned an important moral, value or lesson were explored in order to determine the characteristics of events that lead to internalized values as well as to compare the way different kinds of moral values are socialized. Lessons resulting from misbehavior were reported most frequently. Those involving direct teaching of values were most highly internalized, with internalization assessed by importance and current impact. Self-reflection and self-generation of values was identified as (...)
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  40.  20
    The Habits of Legality: Criminal Justice and the Rule of the Law.Francis A. Allen - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In this broad consideration of American criminal justice today, Allen suggests that the way to a more effective penal policy can be found in a closer adherence to the law rather than in the current tendency to bypass certain laws in the name of the "war on crime".
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  41.  24
    (1 other version)Commentary.Dale Kurschrier - 1995 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 9 (6):12-12.
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  42.  8
    14 Hermes' Rhetorical Problem: The Dilemma of the Sacred in Philosophical Hermeneutics.Allen Scult - unknown - In eds Walter Jost and Michael J. Hyde, Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in Our Time: A Reader. Yale University Press. pp. 290-310.
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  43.  28
    Artisans, Artists and Hegel's History of Art.Allen Speight - 2013 - Hegel Bulletin 34 (2):203-222.
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  44.  40
    The Basic Minimum: A Welfarist Approach.Dale Dorsey - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A common presupposition in contemporary moral and political philosophy is that individuals should be provided with some basic threshold of goods, capabilities, or well-being. But if there is such a basic minimum, how should this be understood? Dale Dorsey offers an underexplored answer: that the basic minimum should be characterized not as the achievement of a set of capabilities, or as access to some specified bundle of resources, but as the maintenance of a minimal threshold of human welfare. In (...)
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  45. Aristotle on Wittiness.Rebekah Johnston - 2020 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):323-336.
    Aristotle claims, in his Nicomachean Ethics, that in addition to being, for example, just and courageous, and temperate, the virtuous person will also be witty. Very little sustained attention, however, has been devoted to explicating what Aristotle means when he claims that virtuous persons are witty or to justifying the plausibility of the claim that wittiness is a virtue. It becomes especially difficult to see why Aristotle thinks that being witty is a virtue once it becomes clear that Aristotle’s witty (...)
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  46.  8
    Being human in sport.Dorothy J. Allen - 1977 - Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. Edited by Brian W. Fahey.
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  47. BRICKHOUSE Thomas C. and Nicholas D. Smith (eds): The Trial and.Buchanan Allen, Dan W. Brock, Norman Daniels & Daniel Wikler - 2002 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 10 (3):507-511.
  48. Eliade's Legacy 25 Years Later: A Critical Tribute.Douglas Allen - 2011 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 4 (2):15-28.
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  49.  14
    Terrorism and the Epochal Transformation of Politics.Wayne Allen - 1992 - Public Affairs Quarterly 6 (2):133-154.
  50.  14
    Replies to Commentators.Allen Buchanan - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (1):99-104.
    My goal in writing Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape from Tribalism, as with all of my work, was not to have the last word on the subject it addresses, but rather to say enough of value to stimulate better thinkers to go farther. The quality of comments by professors Corradetti, Sterelny, Tiribelli, and Murphy show that I have succeeded. I won’t be able to do justice to their constructive insights in the space allotted; I can only hope to (...)
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